Cycle Starter Plans
Having understood your church a little better with the help of the NCD Church Survey, its now time to start cycling together towards a healthier church. You’ve chosen to start experimenting and learning more about the topic to the left. Now, select one of the cycle starter plans below and write number 1 in its box. Put this sheet on your wall, then, go do it!
Next time you are meeting with others who are also working through a topic, ask each other the questions from the cycle, starting at “do” and finishing at “plan”. After a cycle you may decide the most important thing to do now is to keep going with the same plan, modify it, or choose another option from below. If choosing another from below, just write 2 in its box and so on.
If you’d like more cycle starter options, or to work on another topic highlighted by your NCD Church Survey results, just visit
Ask God to show you ways that he wants to work with you in restoring his relationship with someone close to you.
Bring to mind one of your friends or family members who does not seem to be growing closer to Jesus. Spend some time reflecting on how God might feel about them. Then, consider whether those thoughts are consistent with the love of a good father.
Find a book or video with teaching about intercessory prayer to help you understand what it is you are achieving when praying.
Find a picture that for you symbolises life in all its fullness. Have the picture enlarged, then write on it the names of those close to you who do not seem to be moving closer to Jesus. Put the picture up in a private place and pray briefly for one of the people at a set time each day.
If you have a gifted evangelist in your church, ask them to explain why and how they pray for and share the Gospel with others. Consider inviting them to also speak to your small group about the topic.
Reflect on challenging circumstances you face in daily life or ministry. If you rarely speak, even briefly, to God about those challenges, consider what image of God (and yourself) you may have. If you don't face significant challenges, consider what if any implications that has for your prayer life.
Regularly meet with someone who is known as a prayerful person and whose prayers are answered. Talk to them about their experiences of prayer and pray with them.
Write down the names of three friends or relatives, then write down three needs for each. Make time to offer a short prayer for each person every day based on those needs.