Cycle Starter Plans
Having understood your church a little better with the help of the NCD Church Survey, its now time to start cycling together towards a healthier church. You’ve chosen to start experimenting and learning more about the topic to the left. Now, select one of the cycle starter plans below and write number 1 in its box. Put this sheet on your wall, then, go do it!
Next time you are meeting with others who are also working through a topic, ask each other the questions from the cycle, starting at “do” and finishing at “plan”. After a cycle you may decide the most important thing to do now is to keep going with the same plan, modify it, or choose another option from below. If choosing another from below, just write 2 in its box and so on.
If you’d like more cycle starter options, or to work on another topic highlighted by your NCD Church Survey results, just visit


Encourage one or more of the people in your small group or area of ministry to take one of the NCD Discipleship Tests most associated with their area of ministry or current stage of growth.
Establish exact dates (no more than 6 months away) for reviewing the current ministry of every person under your leadership to help them grow in the role, find a more suitable ministry, or take a break if needed.
If you are a small group leader, ask one of your members to colead part of your small group meeting. Ask them to do so again if they enjoyed it and would like more experience.
If you have a leadership role in your church find someone willing and able to help you do your role and take the time to train them to the point where they feel equipped to do it effectively.
Outside of formal ministry meetings, meet regularly with at least one person in your ministry area who seems to have a strong desire to grow. Shift the focus in those meetings away from the ministry tasks you do together and towards the person's own growth goals and challenges. Assist them with those goals and monitor their progress each time you meet.
Work with your church leaders to provide better training and support for your current and potential small group leaders.