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God’s Energy 3 — Transforming Christianity

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God’s Energy 3 — Transforming Christianity

In the third volume of his Energy Trilogy, Christian A. Schwarz presents brand-new research findings that reveal a dramatic participation shift in churches all over the world. Many of the approaches that used to work successfully until a few years ago, don’t work any longer. Based on the biblical teaching on God’s energy, the book introduces compelling concepts that enable individuals and groups to approach transformation processes in altogether new ways. It can help the church recalibrate its spiritual and theological compass in order to effectively address the new challenges of our time.

The Energy Trilogy

Volume 1 — Reclaiming a New Testament Reality

Volume 2 — Refocusing Our Image of God

Volume 3 — Transforming Christianity

The Complete Trilogy (with discount)


Introduction: The lightness of becoming

  • How change happens “all by itself”

1. The global participation shift

  • Addressing the root of the problem

2. Enhancing freedom, maturity, and responsibility

  • Rethinking church health in theological categories

3. The concept of Qi

  • A uniquely Asian perspective

4. Attempts in Western philosophy

  • Struggles in expressing the inexpressible

5. The lógos concept

  • How Scripture uses and transforms philosophical categories

6. What does it all mean in practice?

  • Energy in church development

Postscript: The privilege and challenge of shaping a new tradition


Bibliography for volumes 1–3

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Christian A. Schwarz is founder and president of the Institute for Natural Church Develop-ment (NCD International) and one of the world‘s most distinguished thinkers and communicators of church development. His institute has worked with over 65,000 churches in 70 countries, and his books have been published in more than 40 languages.

Christian A. Schwarz