Terms & Conditions

Privacy and Data Protection Principles:

  • We do not sell data.
  • We do not share or make public your personal information, unless compelled by the law.
  • We do not ask for personal information, unless it’s needed to provide a service.
  • We only store personal information required for the on-going operation of service.


The website ncd.life is administered by Adam David Johnstone (Australia), with the full endorsement of Christian A. Schwarz from NCD International.

NCD is committed to the highest standards in terms of privacy and data protection. With a 25 year solid track record in this regard, every user, whether an individual or a corporate entity (group, church, organization) can feel completely safe and comfortable in using the NCD tools as an extension of their own work.

Personal Information this website collects and why we collect it:

We don’t store personal information on our servers unless required for the on-going operation of one of our services. NCD is committed to ask for the minimal amount of data necessary for producing a specific profile based on an eTest. In some contexts, the user is free to answer additional questions, which may be either relevant for research purposes or for providing tailor-made prompts for their own further growth.

The information that we do require such as your name and the email address you use as a login will be saved to this website’s database. You can access and change this information via your profile page.

Research questions in your user profile are optional and are stored and used for research purposes.

Since all NCD tools (especially the various eTests) depend on ongoing scientific research, the information collected through the tests provides important raw data for this research. Within the research procedures, care is taken that the staff members do not get access to identifiable names of individuals. In the case that external organizations (e.g. a university) become involved in the research, all data is anonymized before being passed on.

PDFs of your results are generated on our server and this information is stored securely on Amazon S3. They are retained as part of our Services and can be accessed via your results page.

NCD will only send you an email to tell you about new features, solicit your feedback, or just keep you up to date with what’s going on with our Website Services and products if you are a registered user of this website and have given consent.

NCD acknowledges that all individuals have the right to access the personal information/data that we maintain about them. An individual who seeks access, or who seeks to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate data, should direct his or her query to [email protected].


All NCD publications are based on the ongoing research. It is guaranteed that none of these publications will reveal the names of any identifiable individual or group. For instance, we may publish averages of all Anglican (or Baptist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, etc.) churches worldwide or within a given country, but never the data of an identifiable diocese, local church, pastor, or church member. If a specific profile may be interesting to be shared through a publication (because it could serve as an encouraging model, etc.), we contact that group in order to ask for permission.

Automatic sharing:

Depending on the eTest concerned, there may be automated sharing functions (for instance, in order to create a group profile on the basis of several individual profiles). In these cases, some data of the individuals can become visible for the person administering the corporate profile. If this applies, the individuals taking the test are informed about that policy.

Anonymity of third party test participant data:

Some eTests (for instance, the Empowerment Test and Gift Test) involve receiving anonymous feedback from participants of your choosing. This data is collected, stored and presented such that there is no way for anyone to identify the specific responses of individual participants.


Users may subscribe to the NCD Life newsletter via their registration on the site or by editing their user account. By doing so, NCD International or the respective NCD National Partner in their country may contact them by e-mail with carefully selected information that may be of relevance for them. The subscription to this Newsletter function can be easily deactivated at any given time. NCD never passes on email addresses or other individualized information to any other group, with the only exception of the NCD National Partners in the respective countries.

Handling Payments:

Any payments are handled using Stripe who provide our financial transaction services. No financial data (eg Credit Card details) are stored on our servers. We consider Stripe to be a third party data processor.

Site Visitation Tracking:

“This site uses self-hosted Plausible Analytics to track user interaction. The data collected helps us understand how visitors use our site, enabling us to improve our content and user experience. The information we gather, such as geographical location, device, browser, and operating system, is fully anonymized and never shared with third parties. Your IP address is anonymized before any analytics processing takes place, ensuring no personally identifiable information is stored or transmitted.”


Like most interactive web sites, this site uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or use online services. Our cookies are required for technical reasons in order for our Website and certain third-party services to operate, and we refer to these as “essential” or “strictly necessary” cookies. If you do not want Cookies to be used you can turn these off in your browser. However, in doing so, you will no longer be able to access your account or its associated information and may be impaired or restricted to some functionality and areas of the Website.